Laminated With Clarifoil
Remember that?
Used to be the proud boast on all those albums with glossy fronts and - normally - matt backs. And remember 'Red - Mono, Blue - Stereo'? On Decca albums with the little hole in the top right back cover so you could see the inner sleeve? Oh, my, how time flies...
Anyway I was reminded of both of these when I decided to rip my copy of the original Joseph album.
Make no mistake, this is a *good* album. Not a *great* album, like Jesus Christ Superstar is (no arguments, it's one of my top ten albums *ever*), but a very good album like the original Evita is once you edit out all the silly recitative-type bits.
I sang and played drums in a production of Joseph with the London Boy Singers under Jonathon Steele (any bells ringing anywhere, or am I off on my own here?). But not this one - though LBS did some vocals on the Superstar album, again without me :-(
Forget Philip Schofield and Jason Donovan, forget everything Rice & Lloyd Webber did afterwards (except the Scaffs album), just open your ears and listen to some nice pop from 1969. Um - the album is credited to 'The Joseph Consortium', the lead singer was David Daltrey (lead singer of a group called Tales Of Justine and *possibly* Roger's younger brother) and the backing group was 'The Mixed Bag'. No idea what happened to them. Probably nothing.
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (1969)