Hands Off Cocks and On With Socks
Stackridge. They came, they made some albums, the lineup changed a few times, they reformed, they may or may not still exist. The (two) official Websites disagree on their current state. George Martin produced their 3rd (and best, IMO) album and James Warren (or was it Andy Davis?) played guitar on John Lennon's 'Imagine' album.
Despite the talent, the songwriting, the wackiness, the rhubarb, they never really got anywhere and their five albums are pretty much forgotten about - which is a great pity because they're all great. As far as I know this 4th album has never been available on CD so here's my vinyl rip. It's the least typical of their albums, a bit Zappaesque and lacking any input from James Warren but it's still an interesting oddity.
It's also the only other album (apart from the Longdancer ones) that I own that's on Elton John's Rocket label.
Stackridge - Extravaganza

01 - Spin Round The Room
02 - Grease Paint Smiles
03 - The Volunteer
04 - Highbury Incident (Rainy July Morning)
05 - Benjamin's Giant Onion
06 - Happy In The Lord
07 - Rufus T Firefly
08 - No-one's More Important Than The Earthworm
09 - Pocket Billiards
10 - Who's That Up There With Bill Stokes