Bloody hell, where have you been?
...a comment that could be levelled both at myself and at today's subject - Sally Oldfield. And yes, I have previously posted about her - see see here.
Older sister of the slightly-better-known Mike (and Terry), she made a number of excellent albums dring the 70s/80s/90s but vanished a few years ago and I've no idea where she was or what she was doing. There were a couple of rehashed compilation albums released 'as if' they were new but nothing else.
And now, today, I've discovered a Sally Oldfield MySpace page with info about a 'New' album - Cantadora - that claims to be "a new compilation of Sally's favourite tracks, recorded in her home studio over the years without any record company involvement". I'll try to find out a bit more about it before I buy it, though.
I've previously posted some of her albums - so here are those links again, plus a few more. The only albums that you can buy new - as far as I know - are Water Bearer and the new one, so here are the others. In my opinion the best ones (and they are *really* good) are Secret Songs, Playing In The Flame, Easy and Natasha, and the worst are Instincts (by a thousand miles) and Femme. In fact, these are so poor (at least in comparison to her other work) that I haven't even included all the tracks in the downloads. So sue me.
Sally Oldfield - Easy (1979)

Sally Oldfield - Celebration (1980)

Sally Oldfield - Playing In The Flame (1981)
Sally Oldfield - In Concert (1982)
Download Sally Oldfield In Concert
Sally Oldfield - Strange Day In Berlin (1983)

Download Strange Day In Berlin
Sally Oldfield - Femme (1987)

Sally Oldfield - Instincts (1988)
Sally Oldfield - Natasha (1990)
Sally Oldfield - The Flame (1992)

Sally Oldfield - Three Rings (1994)

Sally Oldfield - Secret Songs (1996)
Sally Oldfield - Flaming Star (2001)
Sally Oldfield - Assorted other tracks

I Sing For You (single, 1980)
Broken Mona Lisa (EXCELLENT single, 1982)
Share (single as 'The Roar Sound', 1985)
Fire And Ice (single as 'The Roar Sound', 1985)
Break Through The Rock remix (single, 1990)
The Man I Love (single, 1990)
Flaming Star (original version, from 'uncut private collection' CD, 2002)
Mystic Drum (original version, from 'uncut private collection' CD, 2002)