(a child is dying and...) There's Nothing I Can Do
Sorry it's been so long, truth is I had a catastrophic hard disk failure a few weeks ago and lost all my ripped vinyl. I hadn't bothered backing it up, thinking a) they're big WAV files before I clean them up and b) I can always rip them again. Well, yeah, but... it would (will) take me a long time.
I sent my disk off to a data recovery place but now, three weeks later, I still haven't heard anything other than a receipt for the hardware and so I have to assume they're all gone.
So, over the next few weeks/months, I'm going to get my turntable down from the loft and start re-ripping all the stuff Id intended to post - can't even remember what was there :-(
The only rips I still have are Pumpkinhead's debut album, Midnight Well's debut album (both featuring Thom Moore - is that the same guy that I'm going to see tonight at The Albert Hall with Joanna Newsom & Roy Harper?) and Lene Lovich's third album (No Man's Land). Watch out for them soon.
In the meantime, here's an album that I 'ripped' many years ago, before ripping came to mean what it means now.
I had a friend - Where are you now, Sarah Griffin? - who was a friend of Jimmy Cauty (KLF, JAMs, Timelords, etc.) and when she got married she held the wedding reception in the grounds of his house in Brixton. He was away at the time, but while I was mooching around the kitchen I came across a vinyl copy of the unreleased (and very rare) 1987 album lying on a table. I checked with Sarah wheter it would be OK to borrow it, then took it home and taped it (using my Walkman Pro, metal tape, and Dolby C NR) - then gave it back to Sarah.
It's become something of a cause celebre over the years, and I know that you can download the tracks individually from various places on the Web, but this is a rip from the original vinyl. And not just any vinyl, Jimmy Cauty's own copy - so ner ner ner.
I haven't split it into individual tracks, you can do that if you want. IMO it works just great as a whole album - or you can search and download the individual tracks.
The JAMs (aka KLF) - 1987 (What The Fuck's Going On?)

Side One:
01 - Hey Hey We Are Not The Monkees (100 BPM) - 6:00
02 - Mind the Gap - 1:02
03 - Don't Take Five (Take What You Want) (89 BPM) - 3:59
04 - Rockman Rock Parts 2 and 3 (105 BPM) - 6:29
05 - Why Did You Throw Away Your Giro? - 0:20
Side Two:
01 - Me Ru Con (0 BPM) - 2:2302 - The Queen and I (99 BPM) - 4:43
03 - Top of the Pops - 2:51
04 - All You Need Is Love (106 BPM) - 4:55
05 - Next (100 BPM) - 7:15